Not every rummy player manages to give a valid declaration by putting the cards into the right combinations. Are you amongst them? Do you often feel the need to improve your rummy skills and stand strong in the game? If yes, we have got you covered with the best rummy strategies that experienced players adopt in their game. Stay connected to know how the game lovers play Online Rummy in Gujarat.

- Aim for a Pure Sequence - When playing this incredible skill game, make sure you focus on forming a pure sequence initially. Sometimes, it’s easy to form a pure sequence, and sometimes, a few compelling factors might force you to face some twists in the game. The challenge mostly arises when more than one deck is used in the game since you might get repeated cards in hand. So, focus on building at least one pure sequence, as then you can quickly form impure sequences or sets.
- Keep Your Focus on the Discard Pile - Keeping an eye on your cards is one perspective, but keeping a keen eye on your opponent’s cards is something you can’t ignore. It’s one master skill that experienced rummy players implement in their game. By way of illustration, if you’ve decided to keep 7 and 8 of spades, along with 8 of clubs, look for the cards, 6 and 9 of spades or 8 of hearts, i.e., whether these cards are discarded or not. There’s no point in waiting for those cards if both spades are gone. When such a situation arises, it’s better to discard 7 of spades and pick the last 8, i.e., 8 of clubs.
- Contemplate Your Opponent’s Hand - Having an idea of what your opponent/s have in their hand can help you make smarter choices in the game of rummy. For example - what cards you should keep and what cards you should discard can make a difference in your game. After all, you wouldn’t like to throw away a card that your opponent may use it to complete a sequence or sets. Keeping an eye on their moves will provide you with more significant information, i.e., how can you safely proceed with your game.
- Discard High-Value Cards If Required - Do you know what thumb rule of rummy says? It says - ‘It’s always good to throw away high-value cards.’ Now that needn’t be always done, as if you need one card to complete a sequence with High-value cards, keep the cards, but if not, then don’t hesitate to discard them. While discarding the cards, make sure that you’re doing it strategically and not benefiting your opponent by helping them with these cards.
- Make Wise Use of Joker Card - The best trait about experienced rummy players is that they don’t waste any card, be it a Joker or any other card. Talking about Joker card, then for them, it’s one precious card that they wouldn’t discard. Instead of discarding Joker, many players prefer to discard closer to Joker. What’s the benefit? Well, it would make it difficult for opponents to pick them. For instance, Joker is card No.10, then experienced players are most likely to discard cards No. 7, 8, or 9. Isn’t that a smart strategy to confuse your opponent/s? Try it!
To Wrap Up!
The next time you play rummy, keep these handpicked rummy strategies from players residing in Gujarat, in mind. These are tested techniques that experienced rummy players use while on cash rummy tables. Try them, and you will slowly and steadily pace up with the game.
Online games are fun and stress relieved! Thanks for the blog! I am from Gujarat and play Rummy with friends